Tuesday, April 11, 2017

பள்ளி கல்வி சான்றிதழ் தொலைந்துவிட்டால்...

Instruction to get Certified Copy of Marklist (C.C.M.)
Application should be in the prescribed form.
Application should be filled in by the applicant only.
Candidates should remit a fee of Rs.305/- for the first time and Rs. 405/- for the second time by Challan through the treasury or State Bank of India.
Fee remittance will not be accepted through Postal Order or Banker’s Cheque.
The filled in application should be endorsed by Head master / Head mistress of the school in which the applicant last studied.
A self-addressed envelope with Rs. 30/- stamp affixed should be enclosed with the application.
Certified copy of the Mark List will be sent directly to the candidate in the enclosed self-addressed envelope.
The name of the school where candidate studied and the marks obtained will only be written in the certified copy Mark Sheet. Date of Birth will not be given.
A fee Rs. 55/- in addition, by Chelan should be paid to obtain a copy of Date of Birth.
The Head of the school should endorse and send the application enclosed with Chelan and self addressed envelope to the Secretary, Directorate of Govt. examinations Chennai – 6.
Private Candidate
For the candidates appeared privately for the examination the application for C.C.M should be certified by the Head of the Institution where the candidates completed VIIIth or IXth or Xth standard.

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